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Watch Dale Vince at the House of Commons

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22 Jul 2022

Our founder, Dale Vince, recently spoke at the Environmental Audit Committee inquiry to give evidence on how to accelerate Britain’s transition from fossil fuels and secure its energy supplies.

In the House of Commons, committees – often with a mix of MPs from different parties – take a detailed look at important issues, including policy, proposed new laws and wider matters.

Dale covered a wide range of topics in response to questions from MPs on the committee, which includes Caroline Lucas from the Green Party. He tackled:

  • Why fossil fuels can’t give us energy security

  • Why nuclear is too slow and too costly, never mind the waste problem

  • How our cheapest, fastest and cleanest energy options – onshore wind and sun –are hamstrung by a hostile planning environment

  • Why we urgently need to tackle energy efficiency in Britain’s homes

  • Why heat pumps aren’t the answer to household heating

  • Why we need to end all forms of subsidy for fossil fuels

  • How we can supply all of Britain’s gas needs by making sustainable gas from grass.

Watch the full video of the session.

You can also download a full transcript of the session.

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