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/For your business/Green energy for large businesses

Ecotricity for business

From startups to major corporations, we supply business customers with green energy all across Britain
Ecotricity for business

Green energy for large businesses

How do some of Britain’s biggest companies help fight climate change? They do it by switching to Ecotricity.

As Britain’s greenest energy company, we help businesses all over the country reduce their carbon footprints by supplying them with green electricity and gas.

However, what makes Ecotricity different from other energy companies is that we’re not-for-dividend. The money we earn as your energy supplier will be invested in new forms of green energy. We’re building wind and sun parks all over Britain, and soon our green gas mills will be up and running.

By switching to Ecotricity you’ll show your customers, shareholders and employees that you’re serious about the environment, and you’ll be helping build a greener Britain.

Get a quote
2004 windmill at Ford plant
The wind turbine generators Ecotricity has built at Ford's Dagenham plant power not just the office complex, but also supply the diesel engine production line with green energy.

Made to measure pricing

You can choose the best pricing option for your business:

  • Our fair and simple green business tariff

  • Fixed pricing for large energy use

  • Half-hourly metering for accurate billing and in-depth data on energy use

More ways to go green

We can help you generate your own wind and sun energy, and with our smart grids scheme you might even be able to earn extra revenue by managing your demand.

Are we a large business?

If your business uses more than 1GWh of energy a year it falls into our large business category.

Switch to Ecotricity

Click here for a quick quote, email or call 0345 600 1994. We’re open Mon to Thu 08:30-17:00 and Fri 08:30-16:00.

Powered by Ecotricity

Lush case study

The ethical cosmetics retailer Lush has used green energy from Ecotricity for over a decade and is part of our smart grids initiative
