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Dale Vince in conversation with Birdgirl

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By Christopher Appleby
1 Feb 2021
Dale and Birdgirl Header
Dale Vince and Birdgirl

Dale Vince and Birdgirl, also known as Mya-Rose Craig, talk everything from activism, to bird watching, and the role of young people in the fight against the climate crisis.

They share their experiences of ‘the elephant in the room’: Veganism, as well as how they both stay positive and motivated towards creating a more sustainable future – and they give us some answers for what to say to climate deniers!

You can read more about Dale Vince, founder of Ecotricity, in his book, Manifesto, available to buy now and you can follow Birdgirl on Facebook, Twitter and Instagram.

Rewatch Dale and Birdgirl's live chat below.

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